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Friday, 26 November 2010

It's a pipe bomb

after my failure at writing in over two weeks (very naughty)  I am back on the wagon!

SO to fry your brains with a bit of interesting bla about that gripping debate that affects us all 
(and it really does!) 


So what is copyright?

 Wiki defines it as; a set of exclusive rights granted by the law of a jurisdiction to the author or creator of an original work, including the right to copy, distribute and adapt the work.

for you dunces out there; this is a little bit of law that means you can sue the SHIT out of someone if they use  shit you made without asking. 

like this: link

would be good if there was one for younger siblings ey !

Now children have a look at this

Basically this explains it so I don't have to ! :D

so yeh if you ever be putting up images videos poems (if that's your thing) whatever on the internet, like i know you all do, then you need to know; anything created by yourgoodself in this country is automatically covered by copy right. AND that goes for most all content on the net

that image of the tomato you printed off google the otherday, yeh..... its owned by someone and you could be infringing on their copy right 

bad times...

 its a double edged sword here, on the one hand its supposed to protect you from people outright stealing your shit.
but that only works if you got money or someone flaggs it and you get notified. 
lets be frank, if someone in Indonesia uses your profile picture on a calender say, how will you know.


this is what I'v been up to since last time I babbled at you 

its not much and most of it is work in progress

that is all for the time being 

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