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Friday, 3 December 2010

'Arse', 'weak em er kacks affa ye!' and other common Irish phrases.

Fiona Banner

These ingots of aluminium were cast from the fuselage of a decommissioned Tornado Fighter Jet -Each ingot is embossed with its individual edition number and carries the Tornado's original identification code.

 so that's at most £40 worth of aluminium, the other £460 must be all that valuable concept right ?!

I sincerely hope I am not the only one who roflcopters at this !

Aside from that... Emine went to the beach today! yay beachcombing! 
It was like 2°C - it snowed . Hardcore.

One moment of your time just to have a quick look at the local bus map( the first one I'v seen, absolutely NO way I'm taking a bus) most bus stops are just poles in the ground.



Hokay, so! beachcombing 

most of the photographs I took are of 'colours I found interesting' and 'textures I want to investigate and experiment with later' 

like this 


But there's alot of it and I have bandwidth restrictions (plus you lot don't give a shit)

Me on my way to the beach

  walking along the coast, just look at that sky (Turners wet dream)

Some of the more interesting things I found

Anenamies (sp?)

they is me but aquatic

Crab (dead)

Mangled thing
(once flew?)

Yeh so I walk and walk and walk, (pick up lots and lots of seaweed)
 and end up here :

Where the red arrow is pointing on the left hand side 

WHAT ........Only 1,548m long pier. 

I laugh at such small distances


oh..... das longer dan i expect


 okay so I underestimated that

 but I made it to the end!

See , look how happy I am at the prospect of walking back!

Really wanted to take that home with me....

Fuck you pikey bastards ......BOOM

Didn't see that one coming
did yeh!

I ended up walking 15KM today wowsa

N.B. Emine does not have any kind of animosity towards pikeys/ The Irish

mums Irish and she's in a crazy Irish way

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Brown and Yellow snow. OR. How I nearly kicked the shit out of a couple of pikeys in Dun Laoghaire

So here I am, snowed in to my chain smoking (crazy ass) Irish grandmothers house (did I mention its like -1 outside and all I have is a tiny fan heater the size of a small handbag. NO CENTRAL HEATING!). 
 I stink of cigarette smoke and I'm freezing,  if only it was only a couple of months ago, I would totally be down there smokin it up with her. 

I quit too soon it seems 

48 Dargle road, where I am currently crouching over aforementioned fan heater does not in fact have home internet, neither is there a hotspot anywhere NEAR here (and no, none of my neighbours are unprotected) 

SO....emine spent however long it was walking up and down hills in the hail (which was Petit Pois size) to the nearest town centre to buy a dongle (for my sanity). 

In the town centre I was walking about minding my own business ( trying desperately to find internet!) 

 I was pelted with snow balls by a group of three teenagers

I walked over the road to where they were. stopped front of them so I could see their faces(what I can only describe as inbred looking, snaggle tooth, eyes too close together; brown paper bag jobbies) this kind of situation.

 With my best ' THE VOICE' ; If you don't fucking stop that shit, I'm gonna kick the fucking shit out of you (now to this kind of thing I would expect action, either 
of me kicking the bejasus out of their pikey arses or vice versa) they backed away. 

emine is fucking awsome
 :D !

Thats Peckham blud


so pictures 

Even when there's a Siberian wind blowing.. shocking .....those Irish are utter pissheads 

Bait post boxes 

Me enjoying the weather

Me enjoying the ferry 

some of the work I did before I defected to Ireland

 Painting I started from sketch above

Oh and one more thing 


Friday, 26 November 2010

It's a pipe bomb

after my failure at writing in over two weeks (very naughty)  I am back on the wagon!

SO to fry your brains with a bit of interesting bla about that gripping debate that affects us all 
(and it really does!) 


So what is copyright?

 Wiki defines it as; a set of exclusive rights granted by the law of a jurisdiction to the author or creator of an original work, including the right to copy, distribute and adapt the work.

for you dunces out there; this is a little bit of law that means you can sue the SHIT out of someone if they use  shit you made without asking. 

like this: link

would be good if there was one for younger siblings ey !

Now children have a look at this

Basically this explains it so I don't have to ! :D

so yeh if you ever be putting up images videos poems (if that's your thing) whatever on the internet, like i know you all do, then you need to know; anything created by yourgoodself in this country is automatically covered by copy right. AND that goes for most all content on the net

that image of the tomato you printed off google the otherday, yeh..... its owned by someone and you could be infringing on their copy right 

bad times...

 its a double edged sword here, on the one hand its supposed to protect you from people outright stealing your shit.
but that only works if you got money or someone flaggs it and you get notified. 
lets be frank, if someone in Indonesia uses your profile picture on a calender say, how will you know.


this is what I'v been up to since last time I babbled at you 

its not much and most of it is work in progress

that is all for the time being 

Friday, 5 November 2010

Ya, so just had elective lectures; this week in central saint martins college in holborn for an introduction to 3D printing. 
Absolutely epic! 
explaining how its done 

How to make your own for under €500
It's soo cool, it comes with programs that allow you to print up another 3D printer XD!!
AND you can grow your own bio resin to use in it - eco friendly world changing shit
This is how we will begin to undermine world industrial manufacturing in to home making what we need when we need it. Supplying what we need; to ourselves, when we need it. 
no shipping cost
no material cost

I say wow 

what if we could end up doing this;


It will happen I'll put money on it 

Yesterday I went to Liverpool to see the biennale
It was nice when we got there ...-_- that didn't last long