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Sunday, 22 May 2011

There is a city called Rome on every continent

In response to the brief for the biscuit factory show; I decided to make a piece that was based loosely on an abstracted image of a sugar molecule. I settled on the idea of a sugar molecule after wondering how I could incorporate a facet of the history of the biscuit factory in to my work.  The structural and scientific nature of the drawing reminded me of the structure of the building it’s self. I wanted to play with the idea of structure and felt that it would be interesting to make a connection between the physical structure of the factory and the strong bonds holding the shape of the sugar together. By deconstructing the sugar I was commenting on the different use of biscuit factory, that presently it has been broken up in to different parts for new purposes. My work; I think mirrored the busyness and variety of activities going on in the biscuit factory today and is a portrait of it.


Compositionally speaking the piece was unable to work due to space restrictions and the dimensions of the room, mainly technical stuff to do with it sitting in the space. Initially when I saw it up at the factory I was very unhappy with the way it looked, not having been able to assemble it before then.

I have been working on Perspex since last term and have been experimenting endlessly with different methods of working with oil pain on this surface and other types of translucent and transparent materials. I have been interested in translucency and layering and experimenting with these (and having successful outcomes), but I have not really been concerned with display as much as I think I ought to have. I feel that the final piece that I made for the biscuit factory show was a big step in the right direction for me, Having been the first real show that I have had to install work in I have learned a lot about the importance of composition and the interaction my work has with space. So that is something I have learned.
Writing the unit 7 essay was rather difficult for me, I found it hard to focus on the aim of my essay and got distracted and sent off on tangents by each new text that I read. Although this did mean that I was looking and reading things that I would not normally look at. For example I got the idea for carving in to the Perspex from reading about Polynesian art. Also I have been informing myself about architecture, as in traditional stained glass making the architecture of the building it was installed in was a very important aspect of the work translating to the viewer.
In conclusion; I have a very Gung-ho attitude to making work and try to take inspiration from all avenues of media and for the next year I will continue on my track taking good heed of the things I have learned this year.

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