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Friday, 22 October 2010

cycles of a fucking platypus

Yeah, so with a (excuse my language) fucking NASTY hangover ( congrats Rosanna and Kerry!)I went to Kew this morning to see the Unleashed Devices exhibition at Watermans centre;

 A weird little venue for an exhibition, it was obviously thought up by some crackpot 60's architect with a bad sense of taste. There was a cinema and a tandoori house in the same building!! (am i the only one that finds that weird?)and there was like the titanic theme tune playing the whole time I was there, well surreal.

anyway; the art!

it was supposed  to be an interactive experience, but as my lecturer told us before we went in most of it had stopped working properly (as it is/was was interactive experience the people do tend to abuse the touch touch poke poke) there were sensors, projections, sounds and mechanical arms scribbling blue men on walls.

the idea I think was to prompt the viewer to recognise the change we are going through at this time, technology is becoming an integral part of our every day lives (100,000,000 of us on facebook! and lets face it everyone has a moblie in their pocket). communicating in whatever manner (images, words, sounds) is already moving very quickly in to a digital world. How are we as artists to keep up?

The exhibition was the collected artists way of using their legs in a world where people are still looking at them and wondering if they are steady enough to do that kind of thing........ does that make sense ?

oh i dont care, have some PICTURES  :D !

these were part of the exhibition, they were extracts of chat room convos that were happening in real time, they made me smirk in my swamp of dizzy smelly dejectedness

this piece = WTF

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