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Friday, 29 October 2010

A tomtom tells you of the best way to get from point A to point B

 Oh boy! I just had one intense lecture, the concepts covered were pretty simple; 

We stupid people are just mindless consumers according to most sociologist before Mr De Certeau (some French sociologist guy writing in the 80's, who spelt clothes like cloves!) who came along and developed the concept of  ‘strategy’ and ‘tactic. 'Strategy' being what big incorporations and governments set up as ways for us consumers to navigate the world and effectively buy in to the norm set up by the man. The 'tactic' being the way that we end up adapting and remixing the set trend to a way that suits us best. 

This concept can be set to many models, for example fashion. fashion houses will put out a style or a line for A/W whatever year, and the people will buy bits and pieces from many different stores and make an individual style. 

very simplified; a tomtom tells you of the best way to get from point A to point B 'strategy' regardless of which is the scenic route or your favourite way to drive 'tactic'.

well any way there was more to it but I give up, I know it and could describe it to you with ease verbally, but your not here so ho hum

I did this a couple days ago and its only just dried, so i thought i'd show you guys

its just a little experiment

and I give you a treat for being so patient with me writing about my art and digital environments and such

Thursday, 28 October 2010

He haughtily spurned them all

Just back from 'The Great British Art Debate' lecture wherein two middle aged artists loudly postulated over such questions as  'Should Art be good for you ?' and 'Should the public have a say about what goes in to museums?' etcetera etcetera. famous artists were name dropped, critics were quoted (Dave Beech, a lecturer at Chelsea who tutors Selma? am I right?) was one of them, as well as Greenburg.

Anyway i had to leave before the end as it was starting to piss me off, as debates like that often do. How do we make art accessible without dumbing down, commercialising it for an (Art) uneducated viewer (EG Tate museums hordes of tourists filing through day in day out)

I mean at the end of the day you have to throw down your cards and say ; its just a matter of opinion.

Selma gave me a bit of porcelain face cast yesterday :

next time i can get in to the 3D workshop and get to the sand blaster, i'll sand blast that face (the idea is that it will look quite cool)

Here is Selma's blog so you can see how she gets herself in gear to make things like above.

As i have (hopefully rather ironically so) decided on an abstracted floral design based on narcissus flowers to decorate the porcelain faces fingers crossed! I'll share with you the story of narcissus the Greek myth  

Echo, a nymph, falls in love with a vain youth named Narcissus, who was the son of the blue Nymph Liriope of Thespia. The river god Cephisus had once encircled Liriope with the windings of his streams, and thus trapping her, had seduced the nymph, who gave birth to an exceptionally beautiful boy. Concerned about the welfare of such a beautiful child, Liriope consulted the prophet Tiresias regarding her son's future. Tiresias told the nymph that Narcissus would live to a ripe old age, "if he didn't come to know himself."
When he had reached "his sixteenth year", (fifteen years of age, by modern reckoning) every youth and girl in the town was in love with him, but he haughtily spurned them all. He believed them not to be worthy of his love.
One day when Narcissus was out hunting stags, Echo stealthily followed the handsome youth through the woods, longing to address him but unable to speak first. When Narcissus finally heard footsteps and shouted "Who's there?", Echo answered "Who's there?" And so it went, until finally Echo showed herself and rushed to embrace the lovely youth. He pulled away from the nymph and vainly told her to leave him alone. Narcissus left Echo heartbroken and she spent the rest of her life in lonely glens, pining away for the love she never knew, until only her voice remained. With Narcissus unchanged and still scornful of those who sought him, a spurned virgin prayed to Rhamnusia (also known as Nemesis), to take revenge on Narcissus by making him feel unrequited love.[4]
Nemesis heard this prayer and sent Narcissus his punishment. He came across a deep pool in a forest, from which he took a drink. As he did, he saw his reflection for the first time in his life and fell in love with the beautiful boy he was looking at, not realizing it was himself. Eventually, after pining away for a while, he realized that the image he saw in the pool was a reflection of himself. Realizing that he could not act upon this love, he tore at his dress and beat at his body, his life force draining out of him. As he died, the bodyless Echo came upon him and felt sorrow and pity. His soul was sent to "the darkest hell" and the narcissus flower grew where he died. It is said that Narcissus still keeps gazing on his image in the waters of the river Styx.[5]


Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Sandblasting my eyes

Well I'm plumping the title so you'll read all the narcissistic things I have to say..(I I I I Me Me Me)

Now thats out of the way, I'll show you some thing special and I'll share a little secret with you!

I have an idea, this is similar to a writers waterfall (something I just now made up to be the opposite of a writers block, makes sense right!) but in artist speak; INSPIRATION (booya)

Selma (= housemate&sometimes naked lover ) has for the last year been working in 3D using wax, resin and ice to cast and do silly wonderful things with body/face casts. Casting and pretty much anything 3D not being my forte (and vice versa only with painting, that being me) we thought that we would collaborate to bring you lovelys  something special....

Selma will at some point be giving me an unglazed porcelain  face cast, I will then (once I work out my colouring and technique) colour the porcelain dedadadade chock choock boop wait for it to dry. Use some kind of masker to boop out some pretty flowery abstract narccisus flowers boop boop sand blast ... glaze


or thats the idea anyway

So now i show you the beginning bits of how our collab is gonna get on de road as it were. 

i know its hard to work out what it is exactly were seeing here, never fear I will explain;\

 they are test peices, LATEX ON ACRYLIC. SANDBLASTING doesnt work :(



and that's what I did today whoop (even though it didn't work)

we gonna try masking liquid on poster paint on board. the latex didnt stick enough-  though that may be due to the rubbery acrylic paint


Friday, 22 October 2010

You WISH you did this

I wish i did that

cycles of a fucking platypus

Yeah, so with a (excuse my language) fucking NASTY hangover ( congrats Rosanna and Kerry!)I went to Kew this morning to see the Unleashed Devices exhibition at Watermans centre;

 A weird little venue for an exhibition, it was obviously thought up by some crackpot 60's architect with a bad sense of taste. There was a cinema and a tandoori house in the same building!! (am i the only one that finds that weird?)and there was like the titanic theme tune playing the whole time I was there, well surreal.

anyway; the art!

it was supposed  to be an interactive experience, but as my lecturer told us before we went in most of it had stopped working properly (as it is/was was interactive experience the people do tend to abuse the touch touch poke poke) there were sensors, projections, sounds and mechanical arms scribbling blue men on walls.

the idea I think was to prompt the viewer to recognise the change we are going through at this time, technology is becoming an integral part of our every day lives (100,000,000 of us on facebook! and lets face it everyone has a moblie in their pocket). communicating in whatever manner (images, words, sounds) is already moving very quickly in to a digital world. How are we as artists to keep up?

The exhibition was the collected artists way of using their legs in a world where people are still looking at them and wondering if they are steady enough to do that kind of thing........ does that make sense ?

oh i dont care, have some PICTURES  :D !

these were part of the exhibition, they were extracts of chat room convos that were happening in real time, they made me smirk in my swamp of dizzy smelly dejectedness

this piece = WTF

Thursday, 21 October 2010


So, i spent all of last night trawling through my computer trying to look for these pictures that i suposedly took of my final show peice last term!

to no avail... i did fine ONE shitty photo on my facebook that your going to just have to be contented with for the moment...

It looks way more pretty than this in real life i swear it!
its currently residing with a good friend who is alot more effective than me and offered to get it framed proffesionaly for the privalige of owning it

good trade off if you ask me

In the three amazing posts that i have now put up (including this one) i have failed to mention the reasoning behind the madness of me bloging in the first place.
the reason is FOR MY ASSESMENT (degree taims wooo)

so yeh i have lectures tomorow; didital environments. Im gonna go off now and read this blench essay

funtaims x

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

OLD stuff

you must want to see some of my older pieces of poop, right!

that was from last year ..

yeah yeah i know their shite but, it ended okay
ill show you tomorrow !

First Time For Everything ey?!

Yeh so its a wednesday afternoon and i'v only just got in to uni to write up and ultimately create my blog.. and here you are reading it ..

I suppose thats a good start right ?! blog created ! ha that was easier by far than i had anticipated ..

On to the more pressing matter of showing you guys what i'v been getting up to in my secret studio

an idea i had for a design, based on a decorative drawing of a dandelion, i intend to do more with this later, but for the moment i plan on just leaving it till i know whats going on with it :(

this is my wall as it is right now
 a block print i did yesterday

there will be more in the way of explaining myself conceptually etcetera later on .... like tomorrow hehe