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Wednesday, 16 February 2011

'In my old branch the communist courgettes were beaten to shit'

So here we are, its Wednesday and I'm to spend over £100 on lights right. Like shineey flat amazing LED light panels like dis

A2 slim light panel (for 2persons)


So on to today’s topic of conversation; (which is going to be based on my lecture yesterday by a Mr JACK DUPLOCK)


lets start by setting the mood 

The sublime (from the Latin sublÄ«mis "sloping up to the lintel, uplifted, high, lofty, elevated, exalted") is the quality of greatness or vast magnitude, whether physical, moral, intellectual, metaphysical, aesthetic, spiritual or artistic.

The term especially refers to a greatness with which nothing else can be compared and which is beyond all possibility of calculation, measurement or imitation.

And of course we all know what contemporary means right!!

Ahah so onwards

To start off with let’s have a looky see what types of sublime experiences you may encounter

Where you are faced with the edge of a cliff or the sun setting over the ocean

In Technology
Where in the advancements in technology lead us to experience things like dis

and create things like this 

In the un-representable
I.E. things that cannot be explained through a language known to us
(I don’t have an image for that one for obvious reasons)
*feeling of something great*


You get the idea

Where you are bought to the crescendo of the unnameable fears in our consciousness

In the altered state

(Not gonna lie; I’m talking about drugs)
Or if you’re Hindu we’re talking about enlightenment.
Where you see the world differently and it is like a new birth



Nazis created images of human sublime where people were amassed at rallies to enhance feeling of being the greatest and part of a thing bigger than themselves


Similar to this:

North Korea now

  Fascism and Extreme leftism 
-similar in the end?


In the west the sublime is used to sell perfume and aftershave



NOT sublime but she is damn sexy 

Guy who directed A single man

Which to be fair is just a long perfume advert 


And so the language of the sublime is commodified

Just like everything else in the world right

 I digress

In religion
 the sublime may mean reaching 
Finding your true self

In paintings that address the sublime
This usually happens


The sublime recognises thought and turmoil about the edge
And what is on the other side

(something I dug up about loonies who have 'spiritually awakened')

This is at complete odds with Beauty

Which is about pleasure and contentment

okay we can all say this is a beautiful painting 

can you ever truly combine to two 

to make a painting that addresses the transcendent reaching for the edge whilst portraying the balance and harmony in aesthetic beauty 

should I go off and investigate Beauty?

I think I should 
next post 

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

"I cant tell you what a psychotic zebra fish looks like-

But I can tell you what a zebra fish treated with an anti-psychotic  looks like"

AAAAGHH I have assessment today and I AM UNPREPARED 


I have to present my work to a room full of avid and enthusiastic art students and tutors

......Aside from that, I was at my friend kamz house


And I got to talking with her, and ended up talking about communism
I was like blah blah blah MAO LENIN MARX
just explaining like
then when I got home I found this
2 cows
which I feel did a much better job at explaining the whole thing

OMG I didnt post about the ipone 4 I found in the street in pecknarm

 found it in the road, obvs been run over bare .
took it home
ordered another screen for it
took it apart

3 hours of bending over real close to see what I'm doing
tiny screws
clumsy fingers

and hey presto

Who has a working I phone 4
Couldn't have done it without this wonderful man

Quick look in the studio this week !

Trying to make some nice floral wallpaper - with my soldering iron
I love my soldering iron

this is the imprint using the soldering iron left on my wall :D

This is my main  piece that I'm working on now
Trying to make some cool atmospheric
light instalationey goodness
It has a wonderfully sexy pinkish glow to it

I would even go as far as to say erotic


OH and my first stained glass window (^^)